The bully blackmailed my mom with nude videos he found of her online.. a whole summer of him taking her wherever, whenever and however he wanted. He must have fucked her hundreds of times, and at the end of the summer he had 10 times more footage than he
The Reaper demanded a babe from the nearby village to use in his dungeon monthly, and you would think that he’d have to take one. But all the women go willingly, as it is whispered once you have sex with this hung creature in bondage, you will never want
M/5'11/240lbs This is my first post here. Goal is to drop 2 sizes by the end of the summer. I want to feel great and attractive to girls for once. I have a gym l go to so I'm getting my exercise. Any dieting advice for a picky eater since that's what I'm
Since my sister and I had to make our own Thanksgiving in our apartment this year, the whole family wanted photos. But most we weren’t keen on sharing.
Spent most of my day off masturbating and the whole day braless. Challenging myself to be more confident in my sexuality. It's going pretty well. Here are my boobs!