Multiple requests for a better shot of my [f]ace so what the hell, here we go. Or was it a shot on my face... come to think of it, I'm not sure now... ;p
Turning 43 - Was finishing yard work with (M)y shirt of when when my 26 yr old neighbour came out and asked me what she had to do for me to come cut her grass....she told me she had a few ideas lol. Do you think she was coming on to me?
What's cuter, the smile or the messy bed hair (that i didn't bother fixing cause the lighting was great and no one was home and i had to take pictures for you guys)? (F)
My boyfriends ex GF was texting him asking for a foursome with her new partner and me... He let her know I said no to switching but she's begging him to fuck her and thinks it'd be the most fun if we all fucked.. We sent her this to tease them... :) What