In the course of 4 hours I've felt slim, fat, toned, lanky, sexy, and disproportionate. But overall I'm pretty fond of this body of mine. (20 yo, 5'11, 155 lbs)
20/F/5'5" - 175 to 155 lbs, 37% to 30% body fat. Binge eating disorder to a healthy relationship with food. Sedentary life to avid 5Ker. 8 month's progress!
Yes I know I'm not (f)at but I HAVE fat. This year I've gained close to 20 pounds from my lowest and I just feel really shit about it. Starting: 5'6 136 pounds
20/5'3"/150 This is my before picture. I know this probably isn't the right sub, but I'm sure I could still get help from you! Any ideas on how to get rid of this stubborn belly fat? It feels hard like a pregnant woman's belly, but I'm not pregnant. I don
20 Weeks Pregnant Update: My body is changing more every day, but one thing has stayed the same: I'm hornier, and feel sluttier than I ever have before! [Gallery in Comments]