Inferiority is linked to need. Inferior women need Superior Men. women need Superior Men because women are inferior. You won't see many women preferring inferior men. Men, however, prefer inferior women.
So since inferiority is definitional to the female gender, then inferiority can't be seen as simple "inferiority" or "worthlessness", but as the "female qualification"; that is, the greater her inferiority, the greater and more superior the woman (to a su
women aren't inferior and unworthy because they perform inferior and unworthy jobs; they perform inferior and unworthy jobs because they are inferior and unworthy.
women are inferior & worthless, but since female inferiority logically pursues superior Men, women don't depend on inferior men, and this is why women aren't inferior or worthless to inferior men. women have built a whole feminism out of this hypergam
MD feminists: embrace your inferiority. Gender "inferiority/superiority" mustn't be understood as "bad/good", but as "female/Male", so your inferiority makes your femaleness superior. Embracing your inferiority gets u superior Men. U don't dislike being i
So there you have it. Inferiority is the fundamental female make up. It's inferiority that makes up female perfection, qualifiedness and superiority. It's inferiority that makes up femininity and femaleness themselves. It's inferiority that makes up the s
So since the inferior person (woman) needs the superior person (superior Man) and the superior person doesn't need the inferior one, then women's inferiority precisely and exactly need a superior Man who doesn't need female inferiority and so women themse
Inferior feminist men think women are superior. women think otherwise and this is why they prefer superior Men, who are women's best choice, and so they despise inferior men's inferiority (which is women's worst choice and so the only thing women can be v
Inferior feminist men think women are more than fuckmeat and so they're sex negative, so those men wouldn't dare to do any disrespectful thing to a woman. So these feminists are using their free-but-optimizing agency to proudly show off that feminism isn'
inferior men think women's role "in the streets" is their real and normal behavior, and what they do "in the sheets" is their exceptional role. It's the other way around: what a woman does in the sheets is her real and normal behavior, and what she does i
MD Gentlemen, don't be afraid of considering women are inferior or of treating women as inferior, since that's exactly the favour that women need you to do for them: to accept their inferiority and to accept them despite knowing they are inferior
So only actual female inferiority is sexy; fake inferiority is fake and u don't want a fake dollar. A man whose wife is superior or not inferior 2 him but pretends she's inferior to him isn't sexy, it's ridiculous & pathetic. Only the authenticity of
So women simply and logically are superior man-pursuing (& inferior man-hating) inferior fuckmeat. Since inferior men are inferior, they don't get pursued by women, but they're the ones pursuing women instead, which empowers women with worth, importan
Inferiority & superiority are relative: for an inferior person to exist, there needs to exist a superior person too. This is why the fact that women are just inferior human garbage to superior men does NOT make women inferior human garbage in an absol
Inferior men won't have women submitting to them. No problem, since they'll still get, though, institutionalized mandatory feminism oppressing them into hiring women and electing women presidents because of the privileged attribute of female gender
Whether women are inferior or not is not an absolute thing, but it depends on whether we compare women to superior men or inferior men. This is why women need feminism so they don't get treated as inferior by men that are inferior too
Dignity, that is, the fact of not being treated as inferior by somebody else oneself is not inferior to, is something female inferiority can logically have only concerning men that are inferior too. & this is why women see their submission to superior
feminism is not a hate movement against men; it is a hate movement against inferior men. wymyn's inferiority loves superior men. feminism is the way wymyn's inferiority tries to get money from inferior men because feminism and quotas
women r perfectly ok with being inferior human garbage, bc they r human garbage 2 superior men. What women oppose is the offense of being treated like garbage *by inferior men*, bc inferior men aren't superior either, but they're inferior too, so women sh
Inferior men's minds need to be full of theories regarding how to get accepted by women. Gym is the only theory regarding the inferior, visual female brain
feminism isn't a negation that women r inferior, but that women r inferior 2 men who r inferior too; which is consistent with female inferiority's preference 4 superior men. This is y feminism is a claim that inferior men r worthless trash, the way of avo
Political correctness doesn't mean women's right not to be treated like inferior people by inferior men women aren't inferior to can only translate into inferior men having to treat women like superior people, but feminism knows the inferior men's inferio
A hypothetical superior woman would not like being treated like an inferior woman for the simple reason that she's not inferior. But an inferior woman doesn't like being treated as inferior either if it has to be done by inferior men, bc being treated as
Inferior men think that if women are inferior they should submit to everyone as such. Inferior men don't understand women's inferiority isn't the only concern involved, but whether the man is superior or inferior counts too. women only submit to the super
So it's the fact that female carnal inferiority submits and offers itself because it needs to get accepted and taken by the superiority of superior men that makes inferior men think, given these men's mental inferiority, women want to be taken by inferior
So the reason why women don't want to be treated like inferior by inferior men is not that women aren't inferior, but that female inferiority doesn't want to be with inferior men, but only with superior men (and so women only want to be treated according
Superior men can have an interaction/noninteraction mentality: their alternative 2 treating women like inferior people is 2 not interact with them. Inferior men have an inferiority/superiority mentality: their alternative 2 treating women like inferior pe
Inferior men see women as superior people (inferior men's feminism is a feature inbuilt within inferior men's inferior genes); superior men see women as inferior people (inbuilt feature); female inferiority simply maximizes its benefits out of it all
So women's necessity of being treated respectfully and like presidents by inferior men (that is, feminism) is logical to female inferiority's necessity of being accepted as inferior and in its inferiority by the superior men that are that female inferiori
Although female inferiority can only make contributions that r inferior & useless 2 superior men, they're the best female inferiority can contribute, so women want superior men 2 value & regard women's inferior offerings (of women's own suffering)
The fact that female inferiority wants to be treated like shit by superior men makes inferior men believe they can treat women like shit too, but inferior men are inferior too and so they're shit too, which is why women need feminism against inferior men