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Is there a better way to relax after a hard day at work? Yes. She didn't bring him a drink to enjoy while she services him. She'll pay for that... But not right now.

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MD feminists: behaving according to your female inferiority becomes your most superior and least objectionable conduct when you do it for a Man that is superior

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So the justifying basis of the money, the quotas and the status of superiority women demand from inferior men, is the female inferiority women submit and pay to superior Men. inferior men pay the whores to superior Men; this is feminism

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So every woman is perfectly ok with being inferior as long as her Man is superior. The more feminist, the more hypergamous

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women are so inferior that they're only cool if they're cool to superior Men. A superior Man's acceptance is the greatest achievement a woman can aspire to in her inferior female existence. A woman's superiority is the superiority of the Man she manages t

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When a woman says she's strong and independent, she means the weakness is strong in her, and she has independence to depend on a man who is superior. Here you have two smart strong independent submissive feminists enjoying sex as much as men

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Being superior is great. Given his superiority, a superior man wouldn't need any superior woman (if she existed), so he only accepts inferior women. So his is like a win-win position: either he feels no desire for a given woman, or she is a worthless piec

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feminism is not against objectification; feminism is only against inferior men. Which is logical: feminism can't criticize the superiority of a Man who is actually superior.

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Remember that this subreddit is just fantasy. Everybody, feminists included, knows that real life women are as superior as Men and so they need no superior Man and they're strong and superior Man-independent, this is why they only accept and prefer inferi

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I know many women, despite preferring superior Men, aren't familiar with the female behavior described here. The reason is the greater the Male superiority, the rarer statistically it is, so many women haven't found the superior Man they want to be a cook

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So if you are so inferior that you can't offer any important or superior benefit to others, then you have to earn and to strive for getting accepted by another person that is superior to you

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The female body is not beautiful in itself, but its authentic beauty only exists when it's offered by the woman as her gift to a man, and then the female body's true beauty is a meaning: the meaning that that man receiving her body is superior, cause that

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Either being a superior woman whose male partner is not superior to her; or being an inferior woman whose male partner is a Superior Man. Maledom feminists, make your choice.

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Is there dignity in sex work? Why should we consider sex work to be low, base or degraded? Why? In general people suffering from an involuntary non-guilty disability deserve respect. You wouldn't insult someone for being an amputee. So apply this to femal

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Begging is sexy and beautiful. Submitting is sexy and beautiful. women need to be sexy and beautiful. But Male superiority is female inferiority's best and most logical choice. This is why women only beg and submit their dignity and decency to superior Me

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So since it's the inferior one that needs the superior one and not inversely, then it's the inferior one that is in the position of having to convince, and it's the superior that is in the position of having to be convinced. This is y women only grovel 2

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A Man's prize is scientific and technological Progress ovr nature. A woman's prize is a Man; the more superior de Man, the happier, needier and more devoted the woman. Don't really talk science or technology to a woman when there is a superior Man in the

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The thing that superior Men enjoy about all womyn is their inferiority. The thing that all womyn enjoy about superior Men is their superiority. Here you have a male supremacy-fighting womyn enjoying a man thanks to his superiority

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Mistreating women doesn't make a Man superior; it's the fact that a Man is superior (namely, more visually handsome than the other men; brains or manners don't matter to the inferior female brain) that makes women submit to Him their female inferiority-ba

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So only actual female inferiority is sexy; fake inferiority is fake and u don't want a fake dollar. A man whose wife is superior or not inferior 2 him but pretends she's inferior to him isn't sexy, it's ridiculous & pathetic. Only the authenticity of

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Superior men are the best, most beneficial, happiest choice of female inferiority. A superior man is the superior choice of female inferiority

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A superior man can only be a woman's best and happiest option in life if that woman's inferiority is authentic. An inferior man is never a woman's best option. A woman's enjoyment of her abuse, degradation and mistreatment by a superior man is reciprocall

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Everybody wants to show off how wonderful & superior they are. The only superiority women (i.e, female inferiority) can prove is how superior & wonderful they r at being inferior fuckmeat. This is y women choose superior men and reject inferior me

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Male superiority is the only attribute by means of which *not* treating women nicely becomes the way of seducing women. A woman is something an inferior man has to earn; a superior man is something a woman has to earn. It's not inconsiderateness that enab

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So we can state that female inferiority is picky about men, so women's perfect utopia is that of being accepted for a relationship by the most superior man in the world; and male superiority isn't picky but promiscuous, and so its perfect utopia is a hare

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No superior woman would ever need to pretend or fake she's inferior; female inferiority and female submission to superior men aren't fake, only female superiority is. female superiority is the simulated, fantasy role wymyn play against inferior men

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Inferior men think that if women are inferior they should submit to everyone as such. Inferior men don't understand women's inferiority isn't the only concern involved, but whether the man is superior or inferior counts too. women only submit to the super

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In other words: it's not degrading if a woman is treated like an inferior person by a superior man, because he's precisely superior and she's inferior. And it's not degrading if a woman is treated like a superior person by an inferior man, logically. So w

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Superior men can have an interaction/noninteraction mentality: their alternative 2 treating women like inferior people is 2 not interact with them. Inferior men have an inferiority/superiority mentality: their alternative 2 treating women like inferior pe

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You will never hear any of those male supremacy fighting feminists say she prefers men that aren't superior to herself. However, superior men prefer women that are just inferior fuck meat. Superiority is superiority; inferiority is inferiority

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Superior selfie

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When Asian meets White: how I learned White Cock is superior

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Superior women are far FAR out of your league

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Haley Reed knows black is superior

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Showing him that size is superior.

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Superior selfie

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