I'm not sure if this is sacrilege to this sub, but I like using photos of women in compromising positions and adding tentacles to them. Here's one I made today.
The modern Internet is not Men debasing women: it's women debasing women. The reason is that web places like this little known subreddit have helped modern feminists understand that their inferiority is the logical attribute that gets them the superior Me
[F] This is the underwear I’m required to wear for my job as a cocktail server... I told the manager I was uncomfortable wearing them and he couldn’t understand why... Um you tell me, can you see my pussy or not? He said he can’t
You’re pretty jealous of your douchebag roommate. Your girlfriend is clearly crushing on him, and he’s constantly hitting on her. You were hesitant to leave them alone this morning when you went to work, but she told you not to worry, she can deal with hi