"Like all finely tuned instruments, your body must be properly cared for in order to play the beautiful music it was intended to play. Care for your body and learn how to use it correctly, and it will play music that is unique to you — your life song." -
[27F/5'3/134] I'm Korean and constantly grew up being told that I was fat. It continues to hurt my self esteem and to this day I really don't like my body :( sorry if this doesn't belong here.
Your tomboy friend is very curious, and it looks like you'll be fulfilling that curiosity. [Tomboy] [instructions] [friends] [Read comments for some nifty info]
Tccc this will be our secret!Yumemi deicded to show you her lingerie, what you want to do next? Undress her or left it like that?~by Kanra_cosplay [self]
Tccc this will be our secret!Yumemi deicded to show you her lingerie, what you want to do next? Undress her or left it like that?~by Kanra_cosplay [self]
Tccc this will be our secret!Yumemi deicded to show you her lingerie, what you want to do next? Undress her or left it like that?~by Kanra_cosplay [self]