
try search it is science on or or or duckduckgo

it is science pictures and galleries

So yes, you can't deny that sex work is a type of contribution to Science, to Technology, to Progress and to Patriarchy. women say it: "for Science". Here you have another smart sex-positive feminist enjoying sex as much as men

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Magic? Pffft! Science is where it's at!

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A theory in science is neither a random guess nor less valid than a scientific law. It's a *well-supported* explanation for a phenomenon

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This is for science purposes only. Check it out up close.

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A theory in science is neither a random guess nor less valid than a scientific law. It's a *well-supported* explanation for a phenomenon

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A theory in science is neither a random guess nor less valid than a scientific law. It's a *well-supported* explanation for a phenomenon (M)

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