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it was weird pictures and galleries

"It was a mathematical certainty, really", was a weird text to get from my sister, at first.

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Kinda Hoping It Was Photoshopped

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I swear I dated this girl, and it was wonderful

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[B/S] After my sister told me her summer job was being a cleaning maid, I thought it was weird because she sucks at cleaning our place properly.

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So may sound bad ,,, but I found this on the ground while I was out.... had to try it .... hope no one is out looking for it .... if they are ... well .. oh well ... I’m just weird

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Jail makes you desperate. I was spending a year in the same prison that employs my father. He’s a guard. The weird thing is, he was no longer my dad and was now a big dicked guard who gave me what any incarcerated female needs. Dick. Lots of it.

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Is it weird I loved how great my ass looked as I was fucking her?

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You thought it was weird your mom went on vacation without the family...

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