I'm just using this to vent. What could she possible be using those brooms for? There are SEVEN brooms. You don't need to clean up with SEVEN brooms you only need ONE BROOME!!!
These are all images that I've altered I'm one way or another. All I've censored in some manner, however I didn't caption all of them. I've just been trying to make my spank back as pussy-free as possible. Hope you all enjoy.
I am very insecure about myself, but ever since joining this subreddit I received lots of love and kind words. So here's possibly my only reveal for you guys and the community --<3 with love!
Just Imagine... a submissive Goddess cunt. Really... just imagine it. It couldn't possibly be true. And has no connection at all to the ongoing "Guess the Cunt" competition...
Would it be possible to fix these at all? The spot on the zipper is the only thing wrong with them, I just don't know how you'd go about replacing the zipper? Thank you for any advice :)
the first time we recorded a triple cumshot (filmed each other with our phones) - she never knew that was possible and just sat there surprised and puzzled being showered over and over again- love her "OMG" in the end <3