Hi Again :) Thank you to all who were kind. The other folks...well lets all just agree to disagree. I have discovered that this is not for the faint of heart. But I have also discovered in recent years...I have thick skin so I can take it! Carpe Diem!
Just received my first offline tips EVER!! ๖ in Bitcoin!! Most of that was anonymous. I don't know who you are, but thank you VERY much, you made my night. <3 See comments for more details!
I (31/f/AB) just came out of the ABDL closet last week and feel great about it for the first time in my life. Here's a pic to thank you for the support!
I just wanted to say thank you for all the support and encouragement reddit gave me before my big night recently. It really helped a lot so here is my thank you to everyone
My first video on Reddit... Just learned about this subreddit in asking where I should post this... officially inviting any tips, feedback, comments, or suggestions for future videos etc! Thank you
A big thank you to everyone who inspired me to make a full milking video with one of my subs. I just finished the editing and its looking pretty damn hawt.
Would it be possible to fix these at all? The spot on the zipper is the only thing wrong with them, I just don't know how you'd go about replacing the zipper? Thank you for any advice :)