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learning well pictures and galleries

Well, she had to learn some time.

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"Well son, if you think this is the best way to learn."

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Well you did want to learn to ski and this is our best training technique.

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Sally is being trained well but cunts take time to learn

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Well they will learn a lot in a short period of time

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"Books are the original insulator. A shelf of books along an outside wall works well to prevent heat escaping," says Joel Rickett.

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This well known chain of coffee houses was originally going to be named "Pequod" after the ship in Moby Dick, however they decided against that name and instead chose the name of the ships first mate "Starbuck" [Wikipedia]

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Well, I believe she has many things to learn. But there is some real passion

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Over the last few days, my new fucktoy /u/un-amico has learned her slave positions well. She knows she gets the whip if she fails.

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Discipline is an essential aspect of learning, as well as rewards

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Mrs. Stevens and her son learned early on how to take direction well when making porn.

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Got an earful last night from a family member who learned a bit about my... hobbies. Told her a few things I know about her as well, and suggested she mind her own fucking business. So I guess I'm off her Christmas card list...

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