This is why you'll never see a Male supremacy-hating feminist saying she prefers inferior men; they all prefer superior Males. Since women have only 1 dignity to lose, they need to make it the most profitable possible to themselves; so their feminist free
Male supremacy-fighting feminists only want to let superior Men know that they are perfectly qualified to endure mistreatment and pain to those Men's amusement
The thing that superior Men enjoy about all womyn is their inferiority. The thing that all womyn enjoy about superior Men is their superiority. Here you have a male supremacy-fighting womyn enjoying a man thanks to his superiority
What's a greater act of freedom and of feminism than being non-feminist, dropping gender equality and submitting to Male supremacy? But r/MD has saved feminism from this lethal question by clarifying that feminists need the freedom of choice to choose sup
So consensual patriarchy is OK. In fact, consensual patriarchy empowers womyn. Womyn willingly, freely and liberatedly consent to Male supremacy because they willingly, freely and liberatedly admit their own female inferiority and powerlessness. It's all
Another smartly self-proclaimed male supremacy-fighting feminist that will be glad to attend next women's march in Washington. her feminist fans there will love to have her attend the march too
Yet another male supremacy-fighter who will be glad to attend the next feminist women's march in Washington. feminists there will be glad to have her attend the march too
You will never hear any of those male supremacy fighting feminists say she prefers men that aren't superior to herself. However, superior men prefer women that are just inferior fuck meat. Superiority is superiority; inferiority is inferiority
"Do you prefer an inferior male partner/a male partner who is not superior to you?" is the only question you will need in every debate with a male supremacy-fighting strong independent feminist
Former Feminists are subject to periodic review from MRA Family Courts to examine their progress in learning to submit to Male Supremacy. Those cunts who continue to manifest Feminazi tendencies and hostility to Men, are subject to public spankings by the