Yes: the end justifies the means too. So if a woman's end is a superior Man, then her means must be to submit to Him as inferior fuckmeat. And every real life woman prefers a superior Man as her optimal choice, that is, as the optimal choice of her inferi
When a woman says she's strong and independent, she means the weakness is strong in her, and she has independence to depend on a man who is superior. Here you have two smart strong independent submissive feminists enjoying sex as much as men
The female body is not beautiful in itself, but its authentic beauty only exists when it's offered by the woman as her gift to a man, and then the female body's true beauty is a meaning: the meaning that that man receiving her body is superior, cause that
Since superior Men won't be interested in her for her inner virtues, she'll have to interest those Men by means of her body. Yes, she'll have to do this, since otherwise she'll have to live on her own, without any superior Man, like a superior woman
Since own mistreatment is the only unfake thing female inferiority can "contribute" (to transactionally mean it wants the relationship not to be to the sole woman's benefit), women get upset if superior men don't agree to mistreat them, and so they get up
Male superiority is the only attribute by means of which *not* treating women nicely becomes the way of seducing women. A woman is something an inferior man has to earn; a superior man is something a woman has to earn. It's not inconsiderateness that enab
Superiority can be somehow thought as the destruction of inferiority, which gives us another meaning for erotic pain and degradation, since when a woman destroys her own inferior existence she becomes qualified, hence "superior", for a superior man