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Modern women are learning to be twice better than ancient women, from the point of view of sexually pleasing men.

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Modern women have adopted the concept of multitasking, so they can perform some of their activities at the same time. Also, it can be fun for sex.

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Because in modern developed countries, women choose the jobs that suit their needs.

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Another cool girl showing how much she is worth and how superior is her inferiority. Thanks to the freedom brought by feminism, modern women can disguise their ineptitude and their inferiority with freedom. Modern women are inferior because they freely ch

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Now she's a more perfect woman, and so a more modern and smarter feminist (since feminism is needed by female inferiority, just like superior Men are)

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So there you have it: the modern trendy female jobs by which cool rebel feminists love to earn their money are exactly the same traditional female jobs of 5000 years ago. Thanks to these female jobs feminists get the money and the shoppings that give them

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The only difference that makes modern feminist sex better and more advanced than ancient masculinist sex is modern feminist sex is based on female free will.

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Another capable self-sufficient modern feminist who needs absolutely nothing from Men and therefore she must be doing it for free.

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Another feminist haughtily flaunting how superior and perfect she is at being sexy. Inferior men will ask her for her autograph, she'll get a Wikipedia page, and I'm sure every feminist organization would love her for its president. This includes modern g

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Past feminists were coerced slaves; modern feminists are willing slaves. Thanks feminism for giving freedom to the female brain and helping women so much. But please don't advocate freedom for underage children too, because their lack of knowledge will ge

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Cause modern smart girls love anal. Just go visit /r/analgw and find out

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Modern liberated women recompense the shopping payer the same way ancient non-liberated women did. Modern woman's liberation is a big feminist proclamation of Male Superiority.

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I don't know what would 1850s' feminists have thought if they knew that modern feminists make money by shitting on feminism to male amusement, liberatedly and willingly.

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Smart modern feminists know the social cliché that it's bad to be abused and mistreated just to male sexual enjoyment is something inferior men say so women don't submit to superior men. she's proud she's in charge of her sexuality and likes sex as much a

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The modern Internet is not Men debasing women: it's women debasing women. The reason is that web places like this little known subreddit have helped modern feminists understand that their inferiority is the logical attribute that gets them the superior Me

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So this subreddit has helped feminists have a better and more abstract understanding of sex that allows them to use the more modern and improved expression: "My pain, my choice". T-shirts should be manufactured on this

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The Patriarchy's women gave their husbands sex in exchange for money. Modern feminists do the exact same thing, sex for money, only they beg for it because feminism defends their freedom to do it, thus rendering the Patriarchy non-oppressive. feminism alw

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You know, modern women have evolved to enjoy sex as much as Men, to the point of begging for it, or earning money to do porn

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So if a woman rejects inferior men and she picks the best possible man she finds, she's a smart modern feminist who uses her freedom wisely and whose choice must be respected. But if a man only accepts women that submit to him, his masculinity is toxic

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So /r/maledom has helped modern feminists get a better, clearer understanding of what feminists' place is and of what feminism's place is: above inferior men, below superior men

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feminists love this subreddit bc thanks to it modern generation feminists have a clearer understanding about feminism being a defense means against inferior men and about feminism's compatibility with their female inferior biology's preference for superio

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So, Gents, if you're still wondering whether who approaches who or who will take the first step is the important thing to women, you're several centuries late to the party and several light years away of modern woman's sexuality. The modern woman crawls t

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Modern springs are more romantic than ancient springs

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My sister insisted on going out dressed like a slut with clothes that advertised she was a bimbo. So I showed her what men would do to a woman dressed like her. Now she dresses even sluttier and I don't complain at all

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modern cowboy

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