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morning pee pictures and galleries

A couple shots from my pee [f]un this morning, as requested :)

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[sunday morning bed pee [f]ountain] don't want to go all the way to the toilet

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[pee fountain in the tent] morning pee onto the pee side

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Morning pee on my bear. Got it nice and soaked! [F]

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Talking with a close [f]riend who knows I like pee stuff, she told me she had a secret this morning...

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early morning bed wetting (x-post from /r/pee)

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Morning Pissing

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[F] a good “just woke up and gotta pee” morning

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Monday morning pee [f]or you lovelies. I had goosebumps when I was done.

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[F]irst pee of morning after last night’s drinking & dancing adventures and shenanigans

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[OC] Morning Peeing in my Shower [F]

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Quick Monday morning pee [f]or you lovelies. Thinking of Manic Monday. But I can't be late 'Cause then I guess I just won't get paid These are the days When you wish your bed was already made.

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So late with my Monday morning pee but it is worth the wait. Felt so [f]lipping good.

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