My love letter to you. you who treated me so well when I was stood up, and then you who honored me with my visage in the banner. I give you an album entitled "The doctor will see you now."
4 years ago, a year ago, and today: size "XXXL" to "L" - was told by my physician I'd be lucky to make it to age 50 with my uncontrolled diabetes, now I'm healthier than my doctor! (X-post from Gaymersgonemild)
Missed 4 days of work in the last two weeks. First my dog passed away, then my plumbing in my apartment explodes, and now I'm sick and my doctor won't let me back to work. Gonna be so short on rent. Give myself anxiety and worry or take nudes for the inte
So my doctor told me I need to lose weight and it was one of the most embarrassing things that's ever happened to me and has made me feel really bad about myself, but here a few last pictures of my belly right now to enjoy it while it's still here, you al