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my sisters friend
my sisters friend pictures and galleries
My sister's had to repeat senior year, and I still nearly make her late to class.
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My parents think I'm awfully rude to just wait in my room when my sister comes to visit. But it's really just more practical.
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My sister accidentally walked in on us. I'm not sure if she was more surprised at what we were doing, or that mom wouldn't stop with her present.
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My sister took the reigns of her sorority this year. I'm now part of the hazing.
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My sister usually picks boring movies, but empty theatres.
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My sister is encouraging at just the right moments.
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My sister was excited when she found out my girlfriend was bi.
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My sister and I both come home to do laundry, and there's always time to kill when we do.
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My sister knows that I watch her get undressed. And today, I emerged for the finale.
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My sister and I should probably be more careful, but mom is always insisting we not leave a mess.
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My sisters are great roommates.
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My sister got bored building sandcastles.
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My sisters are using me to test out a new drive-thru idea.
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My sister has always been the artsy type, so our relationship is a little more open than most.
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My sister wakes up before anyone else to do her chores. But I'm an early riser, too.
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My sisters have never really learned to share.
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My sister's annoying roommates bought all new furniture to replace the persistent stains that kept popping up. So my sister and I set to making new ones.
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My appearance at the 4th of July barbecue was a bit of a surprise; but a good one to my sister.
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My sister has always liked bunnies. So that was my starting point.
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My sister's new friend is hot, but she's starting to encroach on my territory.
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My cousin is quite the ladies man, apparently even with my sister.
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My sister still wanted my week-old candy, so we negotiated a swap.
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My friends couldn't believe I wanted to spend break alone with my sister. Until I sent them some footage.
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My sister is staying over to help with the physical therapy part of my recovery.
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My sister came to my flat, to add in some swank, but ended up leaving the place rather dank.
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My Sister Wanted To Come To My Friend's Party. I Told Her She Had To Earn An Invite.
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One of my sisters friend
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My most recent holiday with my sister passed like a dream.
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My sister looked up "every geek's fantasy" for my birthday, and then just went with it.
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My sister is the only girl I've found who really enjoys my favorite activity.
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My sister does her best to keep me out of trouble with my girlfriend.
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My sister's friends are a little skiddish, but she doesn't miss a beat.
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My sister really wants a job at my new company, and is trying to make a good impression.
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My sister's roommate can be a little too chatty for my taste.
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My girlfriend hardly notices when my sister stops by, which is probably for the best.
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Fucking my sisters friend in the bathroom! (creampied her fat pussy!!)
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