The superior person (Man) doesn't need the inferior person (woman), so they don't need to get accepted by the inferior one. It's the inferior person that needs the superior one, so they need to convince the superior one to accept them. This is why women o
Being superior is great. Given his superiority, a superior man wouldn't need any superior woman (if she existed), so he only accepts inferior women. So his is like a win-win position: either he feels no desire for a given woman, or she is a worthless piec
Degradation and maltreatment are forcing a woman to do this for a man she doesn't like. Respecting the freedom of a woman to behave even like this for the man she chooses, is respecting that woman's rights, and therefore it's feminism.
So since the inferior person (woman) needs the superior person (superior Man) and the superior person doesn't need the inferior one, then women's inferiority precisely and exactly need a superior Man who doesn't need female inferiority and so women themse
It's the inferior one that needs the superior one, not the other way around. It's the inferior one that desires & loves, and that desires & loves to be desired & loved. It's the woman that loves and loves to be loved. Only the woman's love is
A superior man can only be a woman's best and happiest option in life if that woman's inferiority is authentic. An inferior man is never a woman's best option. A woman's enjoyment of her abuse, degradation and mistreatment by a superior man is reciprocall
A superior man doesn't need to allow and won't allow any woman to address him in other terms than 'Sir' or 'Master' (as long as that woman wants to have the chance to interact with him). Inferior men might try the same, but women will laugh at them
So a woman rejects a man because she is picky, and she is picky because she is inferior and so she needs a superior man. A superior man, however, would fuck every woman in the world if he could