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never gone back pictures and galleries

I was never gone, but I am back !

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Now that my girlfriend's gone black, I may never get her back.

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Yes babe, my ex came here to visit our new place. Don't worry, it was pretty quick and then he was gone.

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I should just never go back to my boy clothes

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You text her friends, but they're all covering for her. Their stories don't seem to match. You don't know where she is, or where she's staying tonight. All you know is that her new coworker was with them, and now they're both gone. Is she okay?

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She was gone so long during your date, you started to get worried.

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They both have been gone for almost a half hour and it's getting obvious something is up

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After hearing the noise coming from your roommate's bedroom at night, your girlfriend decided to drop by while you were gone

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You finally found out where the love of your life had gone off to..

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