miss anonymous LA, everything I have in comments, including two videos, post anything more: her living in LA makes sense, since every year a giant shakes the country and all the normal girls hang on. The rest... end up in LA. A more vile hive of scum and
24/F/5'1"/120 Feeling a little better about the bod today. Went out with a pretty fit guy... but can guys like that really like girls whose fat rolls have rolls of their own?
20/F/4'7/5 months pregnant with second baby I've always hated my body because I have no curves it's literally like a little girls body and my height doesn't help! My bf says I'm beautiful & perfect but I don't believe it since I don't see myself that
Normally found in pairs, it is uncommon to see just one tit in the wild. But this white-breasted booby has ventured out alone, truly a remarkable sighting!