So this sex positive feminist does not subscribe to slut-shaming: she's proud of being just an inferior cum dump to the superior Men she needs and prefers. In fact, actually she's not a feminist, that's just what people think
Support the campaign to liberate Congresswoman Andrea Perkins from public humiliation by the barbaric Patriarchy Dictatorship. This proud leader of Feminism and Equality should not be subject to such public degradation. Take her down from Misogyny Wall!
Attempted a self-suspension with some torsion. Not as twisty as I would’ve liked, but I’m proud of it anyway. Learning lots of things every time I practice.
Hey fag, guess what? You remember the slut I was tutoring in college? I just found out it's your little sister. Here is how we passed the last semester. You should be proud about her, not every freshmen can take cocks like this, she must have trained well