Sometimes it feels like my body is just something I drag around, that aches when I'm tired and gets felt up on the subway and looks weird in the mirror. But my body is not a liability, it's not an object, it's not passive. It's me. (23f, 5'7, 135 lb)
F20 5’3 105lbs. i saw myself in the mirror today&felt awful. i’ve been in a bad mental state lately & seeing myself is so hard. i was staring & thinking about how ugly, abnormal, and gross i think i look. then i tried to think about how it’ll
Upon turning [27], I sometimes find myself doubting the positive strides I've taken in self image. I can't always reconcile what I see in the mirror with what's in my mind. This stuff takes work - a little bit, every day. 138 lbs, 5'9