The Superior Men feminists prefer consider women are just degradeable fuck-meat objects for male amusement. This is a subreddit about women who freely and empoweredly prefer and choose Superior Men and being inferior amusement objects for those Superior M
Only superior Men are good and worth enough for demanding and making their acceptance conditional on women's greatest and best efforts and qualities. Only superior Men know the reality of women.
This is the only way women can get to be accepted by the superior Men they prefer: for their female inferiority. Logically, women will only admit their inferiority to superior Men.
women know their inferiority is real, but they only go real for real, superior Men. Only when a woman finds a superior Man (who's her female inferiority's best option) she happily shows off the superiority of her inferiority as the perfection of her infer
Honestly I like to see my posts cause bad subscribers to leave, cause I think some people are not getting something: this subreddit is only intended for superior Men who think women are inferior, and for women who admit their female inferiority to superio
In other words: to women, the only possible indecency is to not do what is best for themselves or to do what is worst to themselves; namely, to women the only indecent thing is to submit to inferior men. Submitting to a superior Man is the best and most d
The only genuinely and authentically happy woman is the woman accepted by a superior Man for her inferiority and for His inferior woman. Thanks to feminism, women have the freedom to submit their inferiority and dignity to superior Men, and the right to b
So yes, freedom is the perfect disguise for female inferiority. feminism wasn't even interested in equality of rights; it secretly wanted freedom and quotas for disguising female inferiority and allowing women to choose only Superior Men. Well played, fem
So since picking superior men is the best choice female inferiority can make, somehow we can see it and understand it as preference for superior men being the only "strength" and "independence" of female inferiority, which is why feminism demands respect
feminists want men to behave like gentlemen, but feminists themselves want to behave like whores, so Gentlemen remember: whenever you're expected to act like a real gentleman, do it only for a woman who's a real lady
So women don't want to be appreciated by unimportant insignificant inferior men or for all those inner virtues and qualities the RPG of feminism brainwashes inferior men into. women want to be appreciated by important superior men and for the things super
Another feminist liking sex as much as men do. Who says feminists don't like sex? In fact they like it so much that it's feminists themselves that beg for sex. But only to superior men, logically
This subreddit has stated many times that feminism isn't a women's movement of hate for men, but a women's movement of hate for inferior men. Here you have a feminist begging and loving to be hated by the superior man her inferiority loves
The inferior female mind gets existentially defined by its deep secret need, love & desire for superior men, and its deep secret hate for inferior men. But no man should ever blame women for hypergamy, bc no man would ever want a daughter of his to ma