VeemiA's new red leggings. I bought these recently and think they look super hot on me, what do you think? Try to spot my camel toe. I missed you guys, love VeemiA
Indiana. The Midwest has very high value relative to money in escort terms, though girls in most college towns won't do it because they're afraid of running into professors or friends's dads. Still, money is money and puss is cheap. Cheap is beautiful but
Indiana update. The Midwest still has very high value relative to money in escort terms, though girls in most college towns won't do it because they're afraid of running into professors or friends's dads. Still, money is money and puss is cheap. Cheap is
MD Gentlemen, don't be afraid of considering women are inferior or of treating women as inferior, since that's exactly the favour that women need you to do for them: to accept their inferiority and to accept them despite knowing they are inferior
To women there's only one shameful, immoral & prejudicial thing they can do: to lower or degrade themselves to inferior men. female inferiority sees in superior men its best & due reward. This is y being degraded & mistreated by superior men i
Sir, A Gentleman's micturation is a troublesome and time consuming activity. One evening, having consumed my fifth or sixth glass of port, I stumbled upon a solution. I have staff sitting around doing nothing, and they can damn well piss for me. I have en
Showing You What They Want: Civilisation LLP would like to remind people that cunts do communicate but sometimes in indirect ways. An act of disobedience or incompetence could be a cry for help because she misses you making use of her.