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A [m]onth apart + a hotel [f]or the night =

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I learned first from my sister, the way to a girl's heart; is not through sweets or roses, but with her legs apart.

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Someone just showed me this. Same shirt, taken a year apart. The picture on the right was taken 6 months after I stopped using heroin. If you or someone you know is struggling, I'm always here to talk.

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The clothes look like they're about to tear apart

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Which pose do you prefer: The wife's legs together or apart?

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On our first holiday sharing the same apartment, my sister and I had a little something to be thankful for. Or not.

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Missed 4 days of work in the last two weeks. First my dog passed away, then my plumbing in my apartment explodes, and now I'm sick and my doctor won't let me back to work. Gonna be so short on rent. Give myself anxiety and worry or take nudes for the inte

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