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Just empowered by "women's studies", and without having even received her certificate yet, she was looking forward to impressing the world with her new female superpowers.

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women's life consists in 2 activities: 1º) performing their inferiority reality-play in order to get accepted by the superior Men female inferiority prefers; and 2º) performing their superiority feminist role-play to dodge sex with inferior men and get re

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Superior Men don't need superior women, so they only accept inferior women. So, in order to get accepted by a superior Man, a woman has to affirm she's inferior. So you have this fact of feminists affirming inferior men women are superior, but reminding s

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The feminist brainwash helps women get rid of inferior men. The Maledom brainwash helps women be accepted by the superior Men they need and prefer. So both brainwashes are not incompatible, but they complement each other

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This is the only way women can get to be accepted by the superior Men they prefer: for their female inferiority. Logically, women will only admit their inferiority to superior Men.

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The submission of own pain by women 2 the superior men female inferiority prefers is a working method bc it proves female inferiority doesn't have a better way of achieving its most important goals. Plus this makes pain a method important & valuable 2

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So the reason why women want to be treated like respectable superior people by inferior men via feminism isn't that women are superior, but that being treated like the inferior worthless dump meat women are is the only thing women can contribute superior

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feminism has managed to break the chains of Male oppression. Now it needs to free women from the chains of women's inferiority's oppression; but, oh, it can only achieve it by oppressing women into quotas, artificial helping policies and female superiorit

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Who says women don't like sex? women love sex, but only with superior Men. The reason is blows are painful when they're given by inferior men, but they turn pleasurable when they're given by superior Men. Yes, female sexuality is more... complex

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Women have 2 options: A) Living as inferior submissive beings with a man; B) Living on their own as superior beings. In poor countries women are forced to choose A). In wealthy countries of freedom, wise liberated feminists choose A) too, by their own fre

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So, in the past, women were mistreated by force and against their will. But, in the present, thanks to the freedom and the rights brought by feminism to women, women are mistreated because they choose to and they want to. Thanks feminism for helping women

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women feel offended when inferior men treat them bad, but they feel happy and validated when superior Men treat them bad. So MD gentlemen remember: if you are superior Men, you MUST mistreat women, once they beg you for it, so they feel respected by you

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So women can be simply defined as superior man pursuing inferior fuck meat. Inferior men are incapacitated for apprehending the authentic extent of the accuracy of that definition by their very inferiority and the lack of experience caused by that inferio

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women don't tell inferior men they aren't inferior meat bc they aren't, but bc women submit their inferiority 2 superior men as their best choice: if women submitted 2 inf. men too, they'd have no way of getting accepted by sup. men. female denial 2 inf.

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The only way women can get accepted by superior Men is to self-degrade to worthless inferior fuckmeat; but the fact that women actually are worthless inferior fuckmeat is what makes them prefer superior Men, and prefer and be incapable to submit anything

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So artificial gender equality defending feminists prefer superior Men because, due to female inferiority, this is the only thing women can do and contribute in order to be accepted by Men (whether superior or inferior men). An inferior being wouldn't try

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So yes, women don't deserve any respect, regard or appreciation from the Superior Men they need, worship and praise. In fact, women are so inferior and despicable, that not being respected by Superior Men is the only method they can use to be accepted by

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So women feel validationally happy when their physical pain and moral degradation succeed in amusing and getting enjoyed by a superior man. This is why women can validationally enjoy being mistreated as long as it is by a superior man

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Gents, remember that it's not your ability to approach women that makes you attractive and so accepted by women; it's your attractiveness (***that makes you get accepted by women***) that enables you to successfully approach women. Approaching the gym is

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So women simply and logically are superior man-pursuing (& inferior man-hating) inferior fuckmeat. Since inferior men are inferior, they don't get pursued by women, but they're the ones pursuing women instead, which empowers women with worth, importan

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So women try to gain superior men's appreciation and genes by showing them how good they are at submitting (that is, how superior they are at being inferior). women try to gain inferior men's appreciation and money by showing them how good they are at not

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Whether women are inferior or not is not an absolute thing, but it depends on whether we compare women to superior men or inferior men. This is why women need feminism so they don't get treated as inferior by men that are inferior too

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women's inferiority only enjoys being sexy, feminine, beautiful and desirable to the superior men whose superiority women's inferiority needs, prefers and desires (one is only happy when loved by the person one loves)

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women r perfectly ok with being inferior human garbage, bc they r human garbage 2 superior men. What women oppose is the offense of being treated like garbage *by inferior men*, bc inferior men aren't superior either, but they're inferior too, so women sh

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Inferior men's minds need to be full of theories regarding how to get accepted by women. Gym is the only theory regarding the inferior, visual female brain

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Gents: a real man doesn't prove his superiority by mistreating women, but by working & making the world a better place; but when ur women beg u 4 a little sexual abuse, b a gentleman & don't let them think u don't enjoy the only unfake benefit the

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So women don't want to be appreciated by unimportant insignificant inferior men or for all those inner virtues and qualities the RPG of feminism brainwashes inferior men into. women want to be appreciated by important superior men and for the things super

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Political correctness doesn't mean women's right not to be treated like inferior people by inferior men women aren't inferior to can only translate into inferior men having to treat women like superior people, but feminism knows the inferior men's inferio

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One only wants 2 b desired by those one oneself desires too. One only enjoys & feels validated by being enjoyed by those one oneself enjoys too. This is y mistreatment can only become an enjoyable thing 2 women when women submit it 2 the enjoyment of

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So the reason why women don't want to be treated like inferior by inferior men is not that women aren't inferior, but that female inferiority doesn't want to be with inferior men, but only with superior men (and so women only want to be treated according

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So feminism just tries to make the society acknowledge the logical truth of the idea that women's right not to be treated like inferior people by men that are inferior too can't get obstructed by women's right to be treated like inferior people by superio

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Superior men's female inferior fuckmeat wants to be inferior men's president. After all, what on Earth could one ever expect from a movement, feminism, run by women?

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women try to seduce superior men by implying other men are inferior to those superior men. women try to get respect, social status, quotas, affirmative action, presidencies, money and feminism from inferior men by implying other men are superior to those

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women's life passes off between 2 goals: 1)Getting their inferiority accepted by superior men (freedom of choice feminism); 2)Denying their inferiority to inferior men (gender equality feminism). Affirmative action, female presidencies... r just forms of

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women want to be like worthless shit to superior men (so they get their female inferiority accepted by the best men). Then they want to be like presidents to inferior men because feminism (so they get their female inferiority paid with the best wages)

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Honor has to do with not being mistreated or treated as inferior by people who are equal to oneself. This is why, to women, being mistreated by inferior men is dishonorable, but being capable of being mistreated by superior men is a kind of "female honora

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