I present to you my wife who is a mother of 4 who just turned 30 today...compliments are welcome and please tell her what your do to her. (Many more pics in comments)
In my quest for the woman of my dreams, I believe I have found her. I present to you, WoC, Renata Leal. (But, I'm sure many of you already may know of her.) [MIC]
Never knew this sub existed! I guess I should contribute [OC]. I present to you: Me, my Wife (u/xxxkittykatxxx), and 2 Craigslist randoms. (Xpost from r/Hotwife and other subs)
Hello all you lovely perverts! Since you all have provided me with such great fapping material, I thought I'd return the favor! So, I present to you, The NSFW Files, Adventure Time Edition (74 Images)
Okay, I present to you my fiance on mushrooms. I dont think he had any idea considering he didn't snap out of it until the popsicle started to melt. "Half mast" progress in the comments. NSFW (xpost from gonewild and funny)
i present to you: Barbii Bucx, before and after... she went from a young Barbie wannabe to a well worn still trynnabe (that's what happens when you tangle with Max)