As nations become more developed, wealthier, more feminist and there is more professional freedom in them, women no longer make money by way of their body due to criminal coercion, poverty, etc, but because they choose that way of making money and because
Gentlemen, don't always mistreat your women. Sometimes you should treat them well and give them what they need. For instance, here you have two feminist sex workers enjoying as much as Men the sex they earn money to work with professionalism and qualifica
In poor countries women prostitute themselves to earn money; they are unwilling, false, bad whores. In First World's countries of wealth, of freedom, of professional choices and of feminism women earn money to prostitute themselves; they're willing, good,
In poor countries of survival women consider prostitution to be a criminal oppressive activity women beg the government to eradicate. In rich countries of freedom and professional choices feminists beg the government to legalize and protect prostitution,
In poor countries women are mistreated against their will. In First World's countries of wealth, of professional opportunities, of freedom and of feminism women are smarter and they beg to be mistreated, but only to superior men