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I respect most peoples fetishes but this one stumps me.

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28F, 5'7, 260 pounds. This weekend I decided to fully start loving my body and respecting it. As of right now Im changing my life habits in order to keep my body healthy physically and emotionally. This is my body tonight.

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Since the relationship between the superior being and the inferior being is only to the inferior being's interest, benefit and gain, it's the inferior being that's interested in getting it to begin. This is the formal difference between their respective p

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It's nice to hear ladies say they're sub and feminist, because it means they consider you are respecting their feminism when you treat them like this...

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Degradation and maltreatment are forcing a woman to do this for a man she doesn't like. Respecting the freedom of a woman to behave even like this for the man she chooses, is respecting that woman's rights, and therefore it's feminism.

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So degradation and loss of dignity gets female inferiority the superior men it needs and prefers. This is what makes women respectable people to inferior men

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So women don't passively pay their inferiority to superior Men; every woman secretly runs the active seeking of a superior Man, and this seeking is even women's most important activity, even more important than trying to get respect, money, social status

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Is there dignity in sex work? Why should we consider sex work to be low, base or degraded? Why? In general people suffering from an involuntary non-guilty disability deserve respect. You wouldn't insult someone for being an amputee. So apply this to femal

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It's indecent to bow, submit and self-debase to another person's amusement; you have to respect yourself as much as you respect others, cause you're as good as others. This is why women consider it to be indecent and immoral to submit to inferior men; it'

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This is a girl I really respect. Going to a party without a stitch and be extremely relaxed about it. Well done, girl!

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It's already spring in the northern hemisphere and this year 2017 we have a more specific depiction of female nature's inferiority and of how do women use their inferiority to get accepted by superior men and to get respect, social status, affirmative act

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So, broadly speaking, this is female morals: a real, decent, respectable woman is a woman capable enough of being treated accordingly to the actuality and authenticity of her inferiority by a superior man, and capable enough of not being treated like that

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In this scene Hayley Atwell cloned her dead bf for sexual purposes. Gotta respect that

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I found this subreddit recently. Here is my token of respect!

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