Sorry we've been away for a week or so, here's a quick catch up album of /u/unique-individual with the same guy as last time! Perhaps a few videos to come ;)
I'll be leaving soon for the next few weeks, and would love to please you before I go! ;) Let me satisfy your every need, making you the prefect custom [vid], [pic] set, cock [rate] or more [oth], with same delivery! ♥ ♥
About 9 months and a lot of hours in the gym are between these two photos. No diets or any changes to my eating during this time. Oddly, I weight the same in both. Joined weight watchers about 3 weeks ago so have just recently changed my diet.. interested
20 Weeks Pregnant Update: My body is changing more every day, but one thing has stayed the same: I'm hornier, and feel sluttier than I ever have before! [Gallery in Comments]