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A Superior Man's achievement is science, technology, survival, welfare and progress. A woman's achievement is a Superior Man.

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The "feminists' hypergamy" oxymoron is a reflection of the same paradoxical character feminists love to use for claiming how cool they are, since they can't claim how cool they are for their contributions to science, technology and progress, and for their

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More feminist epistemology to you. Perhaps it doesn't produce science or technology directly by itself, but it makes men produce them, to feminists' benefit. (Also, somehow it gets feminists other important social positions among inferior men).

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A Man's prize is scientific and technological Progress ovr nature. A woman's prize is a Man; the more superior de Man, the happier, needier and more devoted the woman. Don't really talk science or technology to a woman when there is a superior Man in the

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So yes, you can't deny that sex work is a type of contribution to Science, to Technology, to Progress and to Patriarchy. women say it: "for Science". Here you have another smart sex-positive feminist enjoying sex as much as men

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Yes. No one can deny it. Sandwiches, blowjobs and babies are contributions to Science, Technology and Progress too.

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"LaJean Lawson, a former professor of exercise science at Oregon State University, has studied breast motion since 1985 and now works as a consultant for companies like Nike to develop better sports bra designs" [

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