Dear Senator: Ever since our daughter realized she can make money with her boobs there's been no stopping her. Is there anything in the Constitution that can help us rein her in?
Penn State open access; the Faculty Senate passed an open access resolution at its 28 April meeting that could greatly broaden the reach of the "work" produced at the University. The Committee on Nudes's “Resolution on Open Access to Undergrads” encourage
The imprisoned Feminist Senator is able to watch the education of her daughter under the New Patriarchy Regime's disciplining, on a continuous live video feed in her prison cell.
The Hollywood Starlet is punished for starring in a Red Feminist propaganda film by being forced to serve as human furniture for the Misogynist Senator. Through public examples of extreme humiliation, the 1950s wave of Feminists were tamed into docile, ob
The Feminist Senator has not even been stripped of her outfit yet, and she is already in agony, as she is terrorized from the blindfold, unable to scream, and feels her breathing constricted by the corset which will force her into a more feminine form for
The imprisoned Feminist Senator is able to watch the education of her daughter under the New Patriarchy Regime's disciplining, on a continuous live video feed in her prison cell.
Many sacrifices were made in the War of the Sexes. But it was all worth it for the divine pleasure of coming home to a domesticated ex-Feminist Senator, as she submissively removes pie from the oven, crouching in her high heels
The Feminist Senator's attempt to make a defiant speech against the New Patriarchy Laws, ended with her being hounded across the streets, angry mobs tearing her suit to shreds. Her pitiful attempts at escape her tormentors just leading to more humiliating
After her gang rape, the defeated and imprisoned Feminist Senator suffers the degradation of having the sweat, cum and blood hosed off of her like an animal, in front of the entire mocking town
The imprisoned Senator anxiously awaits her next brutal fucking by the Patriarch. Every night she is forced to share a warm bed, with the Ogre who has caused more pain, suffering and tears to her sex than any man in history. all she can do is moan, as her
The enslaved Senator has the Mark of Jezebel branded on her scorched buttocks, mere cattle, marked for life as a former Feminist who defied the Laws. Forever sentenced to the worst abuse from both Owner and harem sisters alike as punishment. At the bottom