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sister abuse pictures and galleries

The enslaved Senator has the Mark of Jezebel branded on her scorched buttocks, mere cattle, marked for life as a former Feminist who defied the Laws. Forever sentenced to the worst abuse from both Owner and harem sisters alike as punishment. At the bottom

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Your f2m sister returns from her surgery but the person you greet at the door.... is someone else. [M] [Trapdom] [Incest][Rape] [Abuse] [Body Modification] [Gay]

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Your step dad was never kind to you. And there was nothing much you could do. When he started taking an interest in your sister, you couldn't defend her. Those long weekends with your mom away, she now took the blunt of his abuse. She was trying to protec

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The queen's little sister takes me on "walks" but she ends up abusing and torturing me

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You tried to talk your sister out of going over to your bully's house. You don't want her to know that you kinda like the abuse now. Seems you're not the only one who gets off on being bullied.

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My bully says my sister teases him in school so shes getting smacked all over.

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