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six days pictures and galleries

[M]erry Xmas! My cake day, real life b'day and Xmas are all upon us. So I thought I'd give back. I know you lady's are tired of six pack abs so I brought my pony keg.

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M/25/5'10" - 207lbs (33% bf) to 193 lbs (27% bf) to 189 lbs (25% bf) in 40 days. Aim is six pack abs.

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Update: M/25/5'10 [207 > 193 > 189 > 184lbs in 56 days]. Aim is six pack abs. Feedback and suggestions, please?

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she works out twice a day for two to three hours and six times a week

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Making a deal with six days left

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Natty_Red: Six years o(f) taking it off! Happy cake day to me :D

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Day Six of Underwear Showcase (x-post from r/Galdalou)

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Day Six of Underwear Showcase (x-post from r/Galdalou)

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I missed six days of posting, here's an album [VA]

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Ela V-Day (MilaTheMute)

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Chest day

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Couple days ago. Pm me I'm bored

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I never skip leg day ;)

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It's my Cake Day, so of course you guys get the first bite. Thanks for a fun and naughty six years!

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