
try search so this is great on or or or duckduckgo

so this is great pictures and galleries

got some great feedback on my 1st post, so here is my 2nd ... and this time I'm showing more ;)

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This place is so great, I'd thought I'd share a bit more...

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Oh damn. i love this tie. foot tie is great. i'm so doing this one* [uncoiled-rope]

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this set is so great! will upload whole set soon.

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So.... This is pretty great

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Organized my sock drawer last night. They're not all there since some are in the hamper, but this is still so satisfying...

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I found this subreddit recently. Here is my token of respect!

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M/5'11/240lbs This is my first post here. Goal is to drop 2 sizes by the end of the summer. I want to feel great and attractive to girls for once. I have a gym l go to so I'm getting my exercise. Any dieting advice for a picky eater since that's what I'm

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My wife said this to me during one of our SPH sessions as she measured me, and I thought it would make a great meme -- so here it is!

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For #tbt (is that still a thing? - hope so!) thought I would share some posts from our tumblr blog that was wiped out in the great NSFW Purge last December. This one is a text response from my wife to a photo she had me send her to prove I was cleaning th

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