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teenage years pictures and galleries

[18M] After lacking self confidence for much of my teenage years, I finally like myself enough to do something like this.

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Hard to believe it was snowing this time last year...

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By their late teenage years, at least 3/4 of all men and women have had intercourse, and more than 2/3 of all sexually experienced teens have had 2 or more partners [Sexual and Reproductive Health: Women and Men. 2002]

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40, sober nearly 2 years, trying to exercise to gain more muscle but it's challenging. Step father to 3 teenagers, full time job sitting 40 hours a week. Down 35 pounds since sobriety...

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Celebrating the end of stupid 2016. Here's to a new year!

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Kept me very busy in my teenage years

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40 year old trapped in a teenage body [F]

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