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So when a woman is unhappy about her husband, she says she is unhappy about the kitchen life, because there's just one thing in this world that can make female inferiority unhappy: inferior men. A woman married to a superior man is a woman happy to stay a

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MD feminists: HIS pleasure is your only pleasure. You enjoy your pain cause it makes it clearer to Him that He's the only one enjoying sex, and that you're so inferior that sex doesn't benefit you, but it's the only benefit you can give Him so you earn mo

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Every woman, even a hypothetically superior one, could be used as a toilet. It's the fact that this is the best thing female inferiority can honestly contribute that makes women happy to be used as a toilet when it is by men that are superior

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If you let your slaves any where near your cunt make sure they feel pain. Slaves need to learn that your pleasure is the only one that matters and that they deserve no sexual pleasure.

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[selling] The only thing that makes my pussy wet is your tongue and money, but I prefer two in one

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