To the person who wrote (M)e I'm to old for this. Maybe you're right. I'm not a 23 year old stud, actually I'm 15 years older than that, working a fulltime job and minding my own business... Here's for turning the cheek, or beard if you like...
Is there a better way to relax after a hard day at work? Yes. She didn't bring him a drink to enjoy while she services him. She'll pay for that... But not right now.
So feminism just tries to make the society acknowledge the logical truth of the idea that women's right not to be treated like inferior people by men that are inferior too can't get obstructed by women's right to be treated like inferior people by superio
"If you had a real man's cock, instead of a little clit, you could be fucking these tits right now." That's what my smokin' hot goddess/wife said as she made me take this photo. What exquisite torture!