Smart modern feminists know the social cliché that it's bad to be abused and mistreated just to male sexual enjoyment is something inferior men say so women don't submit to superior men. she's proud she's in charge of her sexuality and likes sex as much a
Somebody posted an image that is 1084 x 696. That's not high res in my book. I was going to bitch and say "Here's 10000 x 7514!" and then I saw on the sidebar there is a sub for that stuff. Anyway, here's something really high res. I got a TON of this stu
The local black bullies think it is funny to tease you by saying your mom has a slutty tattoo. But you know she would never have something like that, right?
Cum on my tits. Give me something to watch while I fuck myself. Best tribute will get a video of me with their tribute playing in the background to make that pussy drio for you. Xx