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thats so cool pictures and galleries

"You can aim where your pee goes? That's so cool!"

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"That was so cool."

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I was just in(f)ormed that I have the all time top post here. which is pretty cool, so thank yous!

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"You mean you do this all the time with your brother? Wow, you guys are so cool."

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"That was so cool."

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women are so inferior that they're only cool if they're cool to superior Men. A superior Man's acceptance is the greatest achievement a woman can aspire to in her inferior female existence. A woman's superiority is the superiority of the Man she manages t

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So there you have it: the modern trendy female jobs by which cool rebel feminists love to earn their money are exactly the same traditional female jobs of 5000 years ago. Thanks to these female jobs feminists get the money and the shoppings that give them

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"That was so cool."

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I'm so fucking happy that I went camping this year. 1970s

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My friend doesn’t know that I’m cool with it... so my girl wants to see if her pussy is strong enough to win him over. Would you ruin our friendship?

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The AC in my sister's car is broken, so the best way for her to cool down is to undress. I try my best not to stare, but that cock is starting to look so yummy... [X-post r/PorV]

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Wifey moved the top shirt so that we could have a better view. She’s cool like that.

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