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thats so wonderful pictures and galleries

I had someone message me asking why I wasn't posting anymore and that it made them sad. So I made this for you all to enjoy. I hope you all have a wonderful night. <3

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When jeans are so shredded that you wonder if you can call them jeans anymore

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My parents wonder why I spend so long in the bathroom. And where my sister disappears to.

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Mom does this, then wonders why the bathroom floors are so sticky...

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I wonder what he is saying that is so interesting she forgot about the dick in her face.

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So after a wonderful evening at the Lake Parade (where I was dressed as a baby princess!) I'm super duper excited to tell you all that Neko_Daddy and I are now an official couple AND he is no longer Sir to me, but my Daddy <3

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Sis wonders why I take so many pictures. Every once in a while, I catch a good one.

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Guys who haven't met her wonder why I spend so much time at grandma's. She's a hoot.

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Your landlord doesn't seem upset that your broke ass missed rent again. Wonder what your girl did to keep him so chill?

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Your landlord doesn't seem upset that your broke ass missed rent again. Wonder what your girl did to keep him so chill?

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Damn that lighting is wonderful and so is she

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I only formally adopted her a month ago, so it's no wonder my new step-daughter doesn't feel comfortable sleeping in her own room.

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You were wondering why your mom took so long when she visited your bully to have a talk with him - until that night when your bully sent you videos of him tearing her thick mommy ass up on Snapchat

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