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the equals pictures and galleries

The slow take off of bright blue nylons right down to a lacy white thong. Challenge: 100 or more equals a full face photo.

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"I Will Love You Equal to the Amount of Scales that I Have." AKA Translation of pages is more thought out than the title.

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Her Elegance is Equally Impressive

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Her Elegance is Equally Impressive

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Equal opportunity

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The desire to please. That's the basis of submission. Look how much she craves that touch. What a monster I'd be if I didn't give her a chance to serve and please me. To force her to always be my equal. That would be selfish of me.

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So feminism has 2 cores incompatible to each other: 1-equality, the definitional core, which feminists use for getting social status, quotas and money from inferior men; 2-freedom of choice, i.e the possibility of getting out of equality, to submit to sup

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Man wins National Moob contest with natural bodacious breasts! Fights for breast equality for all humankind!

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Equal Opportunity Roasting

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both equally gorgeous

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If a chessboard were to have wheat placed upon each square such that one grain were placed on the first square, two on the second, four on the third, and so on, with 64 squares on a chessboard, then the total number of grains equals 18,446,744,073,709,551

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For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. (Kendra Sunderland)

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Not all ladyboys are created equal

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Better give equal love and attention

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Holly Peers and Sabine Jemeljanova together equals much fun

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In every couple relationship either she's the inferior one, he's the inferior one, or they're both equal to each other; and all three possibilities are equally terrifying

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So u've got the female brain saying feminism is on gender equality, then saying it's on freedom, without realizing freedom entails the ability 2 choose 2 drop gender equality... feminism itself is grounded in female inferior intelligence... then feminists

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Less fabric equals more sun

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The traditionalist submissive woman posts her endless praises to the superiority of the Male Sex on r/RedPillWomen, while a former Feminist SJW blogger serves as her obedient footrest; having been broken in to abandon her silly ideas of equality.

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Although not an athlete herself, Debra had campaigned tirelessly for the women's soccer team to get equal funding at her university. After the war, her team was dissolved. Knowing her love for the sport, however, Debra was allowed to be a goalie when the

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The Secretary of Equality had had doubts about backing the Amazonian Military coup against her own Feminist Cabinet. But dominating the radical Vice President in her imperial purple lingerie, made submission to the Patriarchal Empire all worth it

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The Social Justice Warrior pleads and whimpering promises to abandon all her false beliefs about gender equality, if the excruciatingly painful caning of her rump will only end.

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The Quaker Wench received a fine spanking from the Gentleman Tories of London, after being found preaching the Serpent's lie of Eve's Equality with Adam in the Public Square

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The belief in Gender Equality is a form of insanity that can only be cured in Patriarchal Asylums with the medicine of Misogynist cock

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" there is a considerable difference, of course, between being the slave of a peasant, peddler, or herdsman and that of a high merchant or ubar, but both are identically slaves. in the collar all women are equal, and nothing, mere slaves, though the colla

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" there is a considerable difference, of course, between being the slave of a peasant, peddler, or herdsman and that of a high merchant or ubar, but both are identically slaves. in the collar all women are equal, and nothing, mere slaves, though the colla

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Tanned Little Caprice chowing down on her equally tanned friend

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And they shall Worship equally at each altar...

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Equal coverage.

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Not all festivals are equal...definitely quality of quantity of the crowd here.

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the other one is equally trying

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The girls were on the same side, but they weren't equally blasé about the bet. [strip poker] [bet] [implied]

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The power he feels when his fingers are round her neck being equal to how powerless she feels as the light fades from her eyes, thrills both like nothing on earth

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Escort does not equal Prostitute

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