She's a feminist and she knows well her rights for rejecting the men she dislikes; but when she likes a man, she knows she has to please him with her best qualities.
Remember: this is NOT a subreddit on men maltreating women; this is a subreddit on women making the men they admire maltreat those women themselves, to keep those admired men's love.
feminism is women's way of hating the men women hate: inferior men. Complementarily, non-feminism is women's way of loving the superior men female inferiority needs, prefers and loves
The lowest form of slavery on Eradnis 6 was being a Slavegirl Wagon girl, towed through all the neighborhoods while an enticing tune played, bringing out all the men and their coins
The men chuckled to themselves as the feminist parade marched on. The women didn't know that as soon as the bell rang, the men would rush them for a mass fertilization event.
The Men's Resistance Army found that selling prisoners into white slavery was a much more profitable way to fund their insurgency, than demanding ransom from the Feminist Establishment.
A new low in slavery on Gor was being a Slavegirl Wagon girl, towed by a tharlarion through all the neighborhoods while an enticing tune played, bringing out all the men and their coins
The men in my family have been cops for generations. MY brother and I work for the same precinct so when we get partnered for the day we have fun whether the twink drivers were speeding or not.