The perfect way of gaining inferior men's interest is saying bad, offensive and degrading things about them; but, Maledom ladies, if you want to be accepted by a Superior Man, you better talk very nice things about Him.
women are just inferior fuckmeat. It's great, if their own internal feelings about it are good. So women who are happy to be the simple fuckmeat want to be feminist, cause being inferior fuckmeat is important and superior too and so it's another proof of
Want that loving smile? Give her the valentine's day gift that keeps on giving. Show her her place. Treat her like a cheap slut. It'll be the best gift she's ever received. Better than flowers.
The new oppressive-coercive feminism that thinks consent isn't enough and female freedom is an illusion decides that even 1st world women are forced into prostitution (thus coercing free women into not choosing prostitution), but it then wants prostitutio
The inferior female mind gets existentially defined by its deep secret need, love & desire for superior men, and its deep secret hate for inferior men. But no man should ever blame women for hypergamy, bc no man would ever want a daughter of his to ma
The fact that female inferiority wants to be treated like shit by superior men makes inferior men believe they can treat women like shit too, but inferior men are inferior too and so they're shit too, which is why women need feminism against inferior men