NSFW, Nudity. Hey everyone, I originally posted on progresspics and I got a LOT of hate even though the title is very clear. So I'm hoping this community will continue to be as supportive as it has in the past. F, 21, 5'7, 172<142, 12 months consistent
This is progress. I've lost 10 pounds in the past 4 weeks by running. I didn't think to take photos when I started. Could someone comment and give pointers as to how I can better improve my physique.
One of the differences between hippie and maledom movements is hippie movement sort of remained in the past because the internet didn't exist then, but maledom movement coexists with the internet for future generations to know about their parents, ancesto
So, in the past, women were mistreated by force and against their will. But, in the present, thanks to the freedom and the rights brought by feminism to women, women are mistreated because they choose to and they want to. Thanks feminism for helping women
It's been a minute since I posted oops~ life has been hectic and emotional. Tonight is the final party of the more or less illegal warehouse I've been going to for the past 3 years. I'm pretty sad about it even if the reasonings for the closing was perfec
31M/5'11"/Before (left, 382 lbs), After (right, 357.2 lbs). This is primarily from a diet and portion adjustment over the past 3 months [I actually started the year off at 390 lbs, max weight last year was 428 lbs; no pics from those times though]
A Brief History of Cunt. Civilisation LLP urges you all to heed the lessons of the past; fight the Natural Order and be fucked under the Natural Order.