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the real l word pictures and galleries

"Longwood" a school few have heard of whose name connotes sexual double entendres. The word "entendre" is obsolete French literally "double;" its first known use is 1673. Modern French uses "double sens" instead; the phrase "double entendre" has no real m

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I Plead the 5th, No Words

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Hmm... maybe I should be watching The Real L Word after all

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"Longwood" a school few have heard of whose name connotes sexual double entendres. The word "entendre" is obsolete French literally "double;" its first known use is 1673. Modern French uses "double sens" instead; the phrase "double entendre" has no real m

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Too sexy for words

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I'm at a loss for words

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ASSians should be a real word in the dictionary...thoughts?

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Real life kajira in the "nadu" kneeling position. it has a turian style slave collar locked on its neck and a "kef" brand on its left thigh. "kef" is the first letter in the gorean word "kajira" which means slavegirl.

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Real life kajira with turian style slave collar and kef brand (kef being the first letter of thw word "kajira" the gorean word for slavegirl).

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If you say the magic word I'll open my legs for you

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