
try search the rift on or or or duckduckgo

the rift pictures and galleries

The hint of a super flat mid rift makes this picture( xpost from /r/randomsexiness)

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One year ago, the Fluffiest Butt on the Rift was revealed. To celebrate, here's an album I've been keeping over the year with the best Kindred (Lamb) content

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How it feels when the scaling is wrong.

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Using Janus VR to visit /r/xxxVRsites even without the Rift takes NSFW to a whole other level.

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The Leap Motion update Really Works NSFW

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I went to the "G-Tune × AMD OcuFes" in Akihabara, Tokyo. Here are pics, videos, and my review! Some demos are NSFW. (x-post from /r/Oculus)

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Gallery of how /r/xxxVRsites looks in the Janus Virtual Reality web browser. These images are 2D pics of amazing 3D virtual reality!

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/r/VRobjects - Subreddit to post direct links to .obj or .dae models. In Janus VR, visiting those links let you see the models without having to download any files. Here's an album of examples from within Janus.

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The folks at BeAnotherLab are creating a way for someone to experience being another gender, using PlayStation Eye cameras and Oculus Rift headsets [ ]

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"Getting Caught Masturbating in the Future" (funny video ☺)

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"VRKanojo" is a brand new title from Illusion that inherits the concept of "RealKanojo".

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I might be the only one but this is what I want to see in VR

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The Digital Love Industry (Full Length)

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This isn't pron, but you can imagine the possibilities if a professional studio did CGI. Sadly not likely on PSVR.

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VirtuAlly this week covers the topic "Let's Talk Virtual Porn".

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What they do on the Rift Vs. What they do on the Bed (Kalista x Morgana) [Skemaid]

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trip the rift

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Kai'Sa, Qiyana & Irelia - New lass in the rift (Kyoffie)

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Infinity rift

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Kai'Sa, Qiyana & Irelia - New lass in the rift (Kyoffie) [League of Legends]

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What she does when she's not on the rift!

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She grapples you, drags you to the mirror and says "Just look at ya. Caught red-handed and cock-hardened." This is an animation from my game A House in the Rift. If you want to check it out, links are in the comments.

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