The thing that superior Men enjoy about all womyn is their inferiority. The thing that all womyn enjoy about superior Men is their superiority. Here you have a male supremacy-fighting womyn enjoying a man thanks to his superiority
The thing inferior men won't understand (given their very inferiority & inexperience) is that the funny thing is not the act itself of mistreating a woman; the funny thing is the fact itself of that woman wishing you to mistreat her because you are a
The thing about getting Dressed to the Nines, is that my dress is too tight to wear anything underneath... I hope you don't mind. Congrats on 9k all you SEXY gentlemen!!
The last thing you remember, it was night time, and you were leaving the bar with your wife, and some jerk was talking about how hot she looked. You turned around to confront him wake up lying on the curb with a headache, the sun is coming up, a