Many sacrifices were made in the War of the Sexes. But it was all worth it for the divine pleasure of coming home to a domesticated ex-Feminist Senator, as she submissively removes pie from the oven, crouching in her high heels
During the war, when soldiers of the patriarchy would raid a feminist safe-house signs like this would be left as a warning to local cunts. As time passed, they took on supernatural meaning to locals who would recount stories of hearing feminine cries and
Although not an athlete herself, Debra had campaigned tirelessly for the women's soccer team to get equal funding at her university. After the war, her team was dissolved. Knowing her love for the sport, however, Debra was allowed to be a goalie when the
During the war there was always a 3 hour break for the army to go into the neighbouring town to get some food. Sadly some of the army members started Bullying you and made your sisters the war sluts who everyone fucked when on break.